Loss of erection power ?
Whoa after reading a bunch af citations and some posts on here .I have no ED after my PC in 2004 ,but I did develope peyronies and that's a bummer .I see 20% being awarded some times because the...
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JERRYPAY, I believe that you are asking about % vs. $$ ...........correct (?). The maximum that you will get after they take out your Prostate for PC-"Residuals" is 60%, and the SMC-K for...
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Thanks Richard 50 ,but peyronies is a bent stick hard but bent to much and I have read citations where they award 20% just wondering if any here have such knowledge
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JERRYPAY, I believe that it will fall under the SMC-K.......for some type of "deformaty" due to your PC or another SC condition (?). You can have up to three (3) SMC-K awards.........but I'm not sure...
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There have been prostate cancer vets on this board who have gotten the 20% for peyronies. I can't think of their names at this time though.
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You are correct. Perones caused by prostate surgery is considered a deformity and is paid at the 20% rate. It has nothing to do with SMC-K which is paid for ED, although most PCa patients probably get...
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fertree, Other than the SMC-K (Loss-of-Use), what did you receive for your deformity %, and/or was it a part of the % you received for the PC-residuals in your VA-Award-Letter/VA-Rating-Decission (?),
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Richard 50 I have been getting 89 to 105 now since 2005 0% I never thought of filing for Peyronies before
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JERRYPAY (and fertree), This is where I get a little bit stumped.......and why I asked fertree about the exact wording in his VA Award/Rating-Decission as it refiers to this. I would like to know how...
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Isn't the SMC-K for the loss of organ (Prostate, can't reproduce), which is different than the deformity or peyronies?
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You can get rated for PC residuals (incontinence, frequency, etc.), loss of use (0% and SMC-K) and also deformity if there is any. The are separate ratings.
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dab60, Again.....this is where I get stumped. We need someone with more knowledge than I have on how the VA-Rater should address this. Possibly a Veteran that has been Awarded both Peyronies-20% "and"...
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Richard50, My PC residuals were 60% (I help keep pad companies in business) and the deformity was 20%, which is all they give for deformity. Total 70% SC.
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fertree, I understand that the VA awarded you the 60% plus 20%.........did the VA also award you SMC-K for "Loss-of-Use" (?).
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Yes. 60% residuals. 20% deformity, total 70% plus additional 100 bucks for SMC-k loss of use, all recommended by C&P examiner, I never filed for deformity. He also recommended that I file for IU...
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fertree was there a C&P for the deformity? did you just volunteer the information or did it come up in the C&P? I have been truthful an erection is possible and penetration,but very...
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fertree, Thank you for that additional informtion. I would have though that the VA-Rater (by regulation) would have awarded the higher % of the two for your "penis". This gives other Veterans...
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Jerrypay, I have had only one C&P, the one for PC residuals. At the C&P the examiner said he had to measure my scar. At that point I showed him the deformity and explained to him how it...
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